Registration of Players (amended in 2025)
Any club in the first division of the Men’s League with more than one team in the Men’s divisions shall submit a list in strict order of merit of their THREE first ranked players to the Match Secretary prior to the season commencing. These players shall only be eligible to play for the first team.
Clubs with more than one team in the Ladies’ League shall submit a list in strict order of merit to the Match Secretary prior to the season commencing. The first TWO ranked players shall be eligible for the first team only and the next TWO ranked players shall be eligible for the first and second teams only.
These lists will be considered by the Executive Sub Committee who must approve them. The committee reserve the right to vary these ranking lists during the season.
Once a player has played 50% of the fixtures scheduled for a team, he/she cannot play for a team of lower ranking (capped at 5 times) unless permission is given by the Executive Sub-Committee.
Loan Players. In order to field a team in a league match the lowest team of any club in the bottom division may loan registered players from another club with the approval of the loaning club. Loan players must not have played in a division higher for their own club that season unless approval is given by the Executive Sub-Committee. A loaned player must be declared as such on the match card.
Please refer to the current handbook for the complete set of League Rules.